Friday, November 28, 2008
Imagine your life without problem.... poverty.... sickness and even depression. Do you think you'll be happy? Maybe YES but not for long. You may feel bored and uncontented because being uncontented is what's best describe to us PEOPLE.

Problems...heartaches...and the like.... if we look at it in good side, these were challenges that gives spices to our life. To know who we really are, what we can do and what we can't, test of faith in GOD, discovering our hidden talents and even true friends.

But after we resolve those, the feeling is really great. Experiences are best teacher and it is up to us what kind of life we will be having in the future.

So when time comes its your turn to face these challenges, be calm... take a deep breathe... always consult GOD in everything you do because LIFE IS STILL BEAUTIFUL...
Monette Cookie
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